I’m Clément Thiriet, an R&D Software Engineer at LightOn, a start-up building extreme-scale LLMs.

I build the data and inference infrastructure for the next generation of language models.


I’ve worked on tons of little projects but these are the most interesting. Many of them are open source on GitHub, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code!

  • femtoGPT - GPT model in pure Python with autograd.
  • GPT lab - Unrelated experiments with tiny GPT models.
  • ChatDocs - Chatbot for your online documentation.
  • SafeSpelling - Eliminate spelling mistakes in your writing.
  • Cipher - Encrypt/Decrypt your files and directories with AES-256.


I won the Algolia Coding Contest 2021 by building Localz, a P2P marketplace built with Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, Algolia and Google Maps.

Online Certifications